Friday, November 27, 2020


So my game would be more or less finished I just have some final touches by adding script to the coins to collect them, stop my avatar from walking into walls and adding final audio.

Since last week I have added scripts to my player and he can now move about in side the maze which I am so happy with!  So I actually haven't been having any technical problems with my Unity anymore thank god! cause that was a nightmare at the start. Here's an image of my game,

So here is my design for my maze, the floor is a huge question mark in relation to which path to take in the game, there are walls which also have blood marks, another wall also has a picture of a man which is it look like a dead body and then the rest of the walls have a black brick with a horror like image as the game is suppose to be horror themes.

There was a weird problem I kept having, the asset, there was actually a  built a maze already but you can only see it when your in play mode in scene ( I got rid of it ) but I just didn't  understand how I never noticed it before 

Anyways, I then added the coins and just need to add a few more scripts!

 So far I'm happy with how it looks, I'm not a pro so its not going to be the best ๐Ÿ˜‚
I think I definitely gave myself more work than I'm capable of, so some things will have to be cut short, which include the map and obstacles etc, as much as I would love to sit down and mess about and try to make this game good I just need to use my time management right and set aside time for my other modules coming up as well, and to do all this first time round and trying to make everything perfect would be very stress full and time consuming but overall I'm happy out with what I have because I never thought id even make it this far in the game.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Unity Tutorial 08

This week I learned how to spawn new enemies, and new codes for my script 

I also learned about the four loops that help you keep control of numbers that you want to control and that’s what helped me spawn new enemies.

I learned about the increment operator to add more enemies every time my loop script runs. I then used a customised parameter to keep track of the number of enemies I spawned.

This tutorial was like the rest, it was so fun to actually learn about new codes like the enumerators and coroutines so i have the countdowns for me power up. I learned how to control the camera about and how to add a bouncy effect 

For the quiz, it was quite simple to follow and test myself what I had learned from the previous videos. I was bound to get lost as some parts which I did but then I remembered by looking at hints for help, but this quiz was probably a harder quiz and it was a lot more time-consuming and I kept forgetting a lot of things I had learned but remembered them in the end thankfully!


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Review Week Comments and Feedback


1. Feedback in:

From re-reading over my blog comments, I think the feedback given was pretty straight forward and it really gave me a boost that other people were enjoying my blog like my introduction, everyone was commenting about my dog, with the game idea a lot of people said that they were interested in the game and thought it would be cool and gave me a few ideas of what I could add to my game!

I found the comments of people being interested in  what I was writing was more beneficial to me purely because I felt like it gave me a boost of confidence to be like ok its actually not a bad game idea because I would always judge myself and think well like is it actually even good ? and also the feedback with my game with people giving me other options to use in my game or what I could change etc.  But yeah them comments definitely helped me but it could be different for other people


2. Feedback out.

I feel like the comments I left on other peoples blogs were very similar to what other people left on my, constructive feedback but not harsh, it was just my interpretation of their game and what I think would be beneficial to them if they changed certain elements or something they could possibly add to make their game more exciting

Even with the short blog comments I loved how nearly everyone just wrote at the end wish you all the best in the module or hope your doing well etc, it’s the little things people write, when their just literally being nice that actually boost your self-confidence so that’s why id make sure to nearly always write that on someone elses blog.

Ive talked about this in nearly ever blog post ive wrote but the feedback strategies relating to the growth mindset just really help people, the way you phrase a sentence to people just goes a long way and it really does work!


3. Blog comments.

Im actually really happy with the way I did my introduction post, so I used some questions that we were given as guidance and I answered them from that, non-formal just so it would show my personality a bit more and I added a few pictures as well which I think a lot of people liked because they were replying a lot about the images! Even with most of my blog comments I try to add like the slightest bit of humour so its not so educational but I do normal talk non-formally when writing blog comments.

When reading other people blogs it did give me a sense to their personality aswell as they spoke about their hobbies, likes , dislikes ect, its just a pitty that weve really only had 1 full semester in college because I would of loved to got to know everyone more, so hopefully next semester I can!


4. Looking forward.

To be honest i'm happy out with how I have my blog layed out I think its very organised,  In relation to feedback assignments, im pretty happy with how ive been doing ,I think maybe we should all just take  on other people’s  on board more and understand that the feedback were getting is to just help us achieve our final goal.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Week 9 Reading and Writing


From looking at all my other post prior to this with my project and reading weeks, its literally just come so clear to me that I have been improving since week 1.

I genuinely think that by learning the about the growth mindset its really helped me. Im not like a gamer type of person whatsoever,

I have 0 interest in games at the moment bar one game which I was addicted to for about a week (Among Us) but other than that that’s it, but by changing my fixed mindset into growth has really helped and made me really want to succeed with making this game.

As said before im not a gamer, so all this programming is quite new to me so lucky enough Shaun actually chose a software which gave you step by step tutorials to help you along the way otherwise I would have been so lost.

But from seeing my post from week 1 + it just reminded me how much I was nervous for this module and with making a game and now from TRYING to change and use a growth mindset I actually kept trying and trying, I would have given up by now if I didn’t really challenge myself.

Reading back at  prototypes and game ideas im really happy I went for the maze in the end, and its not too difficult either, there are some good assets that really helped and when starting off I learned some cool tricks just by watching youtube videos.

My biggest accomplishment from this class is looking at things in a different perspective and really push myself even If I don’t like it.  This was my prototype of the game when I had my idea, I used a map as the plane to help me make the maze with the walls ect , I know it looks pretty messy but it’s the start off point I had to then switch from the 2019 back to the 2018 due to problems which was so annoying bu ti guess it was worth it in the end! , then the image below is actually my real game “The Eerie Chase”  in which I used two assets for this, a male and a maze asset. The asset had everything I was looking for!

The reason why I picked these to images is because it shows progress which is pretty decent, lik eif you look at the first picture it was incredibly messy and  from the updated version it just looks so  neat and all my assests on unity are more organised

From looking back at all my progress, im really looking forward to seeing how my game turns out and so intrigued to  what it will look like when its 100% finished and what other things I add/change.

Not going to lie I also cant wait to finish this semester and hopefully get back into college  for next semester and be able to physically communicate to the lecturers and everyone else.. fingers crossed!!

Sunday, November 22, 2020

First Playable

 So from my protoype, I tried out using a map on the plane as a guide in which just got really messy looking and cramped so for my first playable version I used a maze asset in which it made it look a lot prettier.

So, because my whole theme of this game was horror, I want to be able to have it in night mode which ill figure out how to do along the way but right now i'm going to just work on the basics and the C# scripts. Since the walls are very bare I plan to have maybe a big red splash mark along some walls to display "blood" like feature

 So I was having problem with unity once again but I changed from the 2019 version back to the 2018, which was all running smoothly until I went into game mode and pressed play to try and see if my C# of "transform.Translate( 0,0,1);" would work and it froze on me again.

For the moment i'm happy how the maze itself look and my avatar, its very simplistic yet appealing but i will definitely do more design to it 

Im meeting my plan by making sure I have the right steps done for each week and I keep working on my project.                                                                                                                                             Here below is the image of my avatar and the maze, you can see how bare it is but ill be doing more design to it and adding coins for the avatar to collect along with a timer and a small map 

Monday, November 16, 2020

Game Stories

Games can be described by the 3 components Mechanics, Dynamics, and Aesthetics (MDA) or otherwise stated as rules – system – “fun”. The three reading selections this week and the synopsis below all address the term “fun” in relation to game design.

There are eight types of Fun outlined by the MDA. These eight are both a source of reference and player experience that blend together in many ways, and essentially what makes a game engaging and enjoyable.

Figure 1: Eight kinds of Fun

Both Oxford and Merrian dictionaries define Fun as an enjoyment, delight but within the context of a game it refers to a form of pleasurable entertainment. MDA papers define the '8 kinds of fun' sensation, fantasy, narrative, challenge, fellowship, discovery, expression, and submission, remain a source of reference and possibly the most popular list of player interactions combining in various forms to attract each player to a particular game.

Nicole Lazzaro presents four types of fun that are involved in defining how fun a game can be for different players.

  • Easy Fun:  This is essentially for players who are new to a game who want to satiate their curiosity. 

  • Hard Fun: It is essentially for people who love a good challenge.

  • People Fun: Amusement from competition and cooperation. Meaning Co-op. 

  • Serious Fun: Excitement from changing the player and their world.

Figure 2: From A Theory of Fun 10 Years On: Fun Is Just Another Word for Learning

Flow also has an influence on the feeling of “fun”. The concept of Flow is characterized as a balance between skill-challenge and the individual's enjoyment. When in flow the player is focused on the activity they are participating in. This gives a sense of reward and promotes further engagement in the activity.

Flow theory provides a good framework for analysing motivation in gaming activities, in particular enjoyment, engagement and positive affect.

Figure 3: Graph showing the flow zone, where the game is not too easy where the players abilities are very high (Boredom), but also not too hard that the player is unable to complete the challenge (anxiety).

Fun has everything to do with learning. “Fun is just the dopamine in our brains firing when we are presented with a new situation to learn from” Koster (2005) discussed about this saying that the different patterns that we take in helps our brain especially when it comes to enjoying a video game cause once you understand the many patterns that it offers you your brain has nothing to feed off making it unenjoyable to play anymore. Fun provides the brain with feedback of the game allowing it to observe and learn different patterns/sequences within. 

Games help people to become more imaginative, engaging with their creative side of the brain and creating new ideas/designs that can be implemented in games.

Being more creative when developing your game will help you see what challenges the player may face and what ones will help further improve the progression and also add to the player's determination to complete the story.

Balance is an even proportion or distribution of elements to keep them at a steady rate. When playing chess, we learn about strategy, tic tac toe teaches us about reading people’s mind about their next move and when we play games like civilisation or sim it teaches us resource management. When playing games we should be provided with a balance of fun and challenges. These are called either type 1 or type 2 games and these have their own unique way of being played. The type 1 games involve strategy and thinking to complete these games such as in Chess or Poker whereas type 2 games mainly involve quick reflexes and combo memorization in games such as “Mortal Kombat and Call of Duty”

The GameFlow model shows that the inherent structure of games is associated with the experience of flow and enjoyment during gaming, at least for strategy games.) As stated by Kaye and Byrce (2012) “a large body of research has investigated the negative effects of playing video games” yet “there has been less examination of the psychological experiences associated with the activity”

We come across different types of fun in games that fulfil our amusement. Fun in games is provided in many different ways for example through socialising with friends or exploring the game world. People experience different emotions when driven by gameplay. Gameplay creates opportunities for “Flow”, “balance” and “learning”. 


Velev, A., 2016. Gamification Design: What’S Fun Got To Do With It?. [online] Megamification. Available at:<> [Accessed 16 November 2020].

Kaye, L. and Bryce, J., 2012. Putting The “Fun Factor” Into Gaming: The Influence Of Social Contexts On Experiences Of Playing Video Games. Available at: <> [Accessed 16 November 2020].


The Game Overanalyser., 2020. A Theory of Fun for Game Design | Raph Koster and The Art of Designing Fun Games. Available at: <> [Accessed 16 November 2020].

Sunday, November 15, 2020



So with doing the prototype, I was so excited to start my game and to see what the outcome was going to be like.

I wanted to start the designing first so with making the maze, I got an image of google images and applied it onto the plane to give me a layout of where to put the walls, I then got an image of bricks to apply to the walls in order to match my theme for the game which was a horror.

I was really enjoying it at the start, but I knew I was going to reach a problem somewhere.

When starting with unity I was having issues with the 2018 version so I updated it to the 2019 which was fine, but this message popped up when just trying to do the "PlayerController" which was really annoying and I'm just not 100% how to fix it. If anyone has any tips or tricks on how to do it please let me know!!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Unity Tutorial 07

In the unity tutorials for this week, were now on lesson 4.  

In lesson 4.1 we learned a lot about the basic function how to rotate the camera to control the player around the game.

We learned different features like putting a texture wrap on the player by dragging and dropping and also  about the global vs local co-ordinates to set the player to a specific place along with new scripts.

In lesson 4.2 we learned how to make the enemy follow the player around the game.

With new object using physics materials we figured out  how much the object actually bounce off each other and we applied that in the game for the enemies to bounce and defining vectors in 3D space.

 Finally in section 4.3 we added new functionalities to the game, we have an indicator so when they collide with the enemy with power-up on they go flying then after awhile when nothing is near the indicator disappears.

We then figured out how to have our own countdown timers.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Game Fun



In order for the player to be optimally engaged, challenges should be presented at a level equivalent or slightly higher than their current skill. Not too easy, not too hard”(Gigity McD)

The word 'flow state' was coined by Csikszentmihalyi (1975) also known as being “in the zone” This is when the player is fully engaged in the game experience. Csikszentmihalyi put a lot of work into observing and analyzing various groups of people. This theory is focused on the idea of how people should balance their skills and the demands of particular tasks. An example of Flow would be a challenge in a game that interests the player such as a puzzle or a boss battle meant to keep the player interested and not get bored. Csikszentmihalyi also states that flow is related to an ideal psychological condition when a person engages in a challenge-skill activity, often resulting in concentration and a focused emphasis on a task.

A practical technique for improving Flow is to look at what players like and find interesting, it is an invaluable resource as this will give you a better understanding of how to structure your game in a way it flows naturally without affecting the players’ experience and enjoyment. If the player has a high skill set and the game is not a challenge, the player will become disinterested and lose interest in the game. The game must allow the player to grow and learn with each challenge or obstacle so as to stay motivated to continue.

If the player has little to no skill set and the game is too challenging, then the player will become frustrated with anxiety and lose interest in the game as well. A flow chart helps to prevent the game from being too boring or too difficult(create anxiety) which makes the game more successful in terms of achieving Flow. 

The x axis is the player's skill and the y axis is the challenge. When the player starts off, the challenges are easy in order to introduce the player to the game system. Overtime, this will  increase the player's skill. After the player has progressed through the game the challenges get more difficult. This is known as the flow channel and is the ideal place to maintain the player in the flow state. If the challenges are too easy the player will become bored of the game. If the challenges are extremely difficult for the player, the player will get overwhelmed, frustrated or fed up with the game. This is the point where the player reaches the anxiety state of the flow map.

Studies have found Cook (2008) that there are both positive and negative consequences with game flow. The positive representing cognitive flow   “composed of challenge-skill balance, clear goals, and unambiguous feedback,” and a negative element viewed as the emotional flow “composed of action- awareness merging, concentration on the task at hand, sense of control, loss of consciousness, and time transformation.” In the development of computer games, designers must be aware of these two characteristics when developing games.

References Dan Cook 2008. Building A Princess Saving App. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 November 2020].

McD, Gigity (14th June 2018). What is FLOW THEORY in game design? - The Basics - (Part 1). Game Design with Michael, [Accessed 9 November 2020].

Sanjamsai S, Phukao P. 2018 Flow experience in computer game playing among Thai university students. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 November 2020].

2nd Paper explaining Flow theory and its connections to Learning

(Introduction for Second Paper)

Flow state?

The state in which the player is in full focus to complete a certain task or section.

Flow state can be identified as one’s maximum focus, dedication and immersion of a game. 

A state where the player is actively engaged in the game

Flow state is the emotions experienced when the activity is going favorably.

Flow Map?

The X axis is the player's skill and the Y axis is the challenge. When the player starts off, the challenges are easy in order to introduce the player to the game system. Overtime, this will  increase the player's skill. After the player has progressed through the game the challenges get more difficult. This is known as the flow channel and is the ideal place to maintain the player in the flow state. If the challenges are too easy the player will become bored of the game. If the challenges are extremely difficult for the player, the player will get overwhelmed, frustrated or fed up with the game. This is the point where the player reaches the anxiety state of the flow map.

Ideal Flow State: Challenge the player - Obtain flow state - Maintain flow state.

Boredom: When the player has a high skill set and the challenge is too easy. This causes them to lose interest..

Anxiety: When the challenge is too hard for the player causes them to lose interest..

To challenge the player by not making the game too easy that the player becomes bored but also not making it too difficult to make the player give up.

How can we adapt our game to deal with the two points above?

By making the challenges harder when time goes by and the player gains more skill.

The learning curve for games has a similar path for the flow state curve. 

‐ Remove extra features

‐ Focus only on the task at hand.

Here’s the learning curve for a game. You can pick up a well made game and start enjoying it

in a few minutes. The better games have weeks of learning.

They steadily crank up your skills at a much faster pace than most applications. There is no

dreaded dip where users are struggling to acquire the next level of expertise.


‐ Segmenting features by user skill level,

‐ Layering less commonly used or expert features so they are out of the way.

‐ Creating a unifying UI metaphor that lets users understand new tools more easily.

‐ Elegant information architecture and clean visual design.

‐ Use skills that people already know. Don’t force them to learn anything new!

Academic Paper

This study was based on the flow theory of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. A cross sectional study was performed to examine flow experience in computer game playing among university students and to identify behavior that led to positive consequences and addictive behavior. Multi-stage sampling was conducted to select a sample of 478 university students aged 18- 24 years old who usually play computer games. Data were collected using the assessment instruments of computer game addictive behavior and perception of the consequences from game playing.

Based on exploratory factor analysis, the construct of flow experience could be divided into two dimensions: 1) cognitive flow which was composed of challenge-skill balance, clear goals, and unambiguous feedback, and 2) emotional flow which was composed of action- awareness merging, concentration on the task at hand, sense of control, loss of con-sciousness, and time transformation. 

However, the state of flow in computer game playing was indeed a key factor that could perpetrate positive or negative outcomes.

It’s recommended that youth-related organizations should promote cognitive flow experiences to develop the self-improvement of computer game players rather than emotional flow experiences which can cause contentment, intense concentration, and low

consciousness and physical impacts.

Flow theory has been considered as a comprehensive theory to explain both sides of the impact from computer game playing because the state of flow refers to what happens when children are playing computer games that involve enjoyment, challenging, reacting, active thinking, feeling, and behaving (Voiskounsky, 2010). Flow theory was developed by Mihaly Csikszentmaha-lyi, and describes a state of concentration or complete ab-sorption with the activity at hand and the situation (Csikszentmihalyi,1997). The flow state is an optimal state of intrinsic motivation, where the person is fully immersed in what he or she is doing. However, too much involvement In flow by being over absorbed and engaged for example, can harm children, since they might obsess with the state of enjoyment but ignore self-care and interpersonal relationships (Chiang, Lin, Cheng,& Liu, 2011). Therefore, flow is considered as the state leading to either positive or negative consequences in computer game playing.

The flow experience structure in the context of

computer-game-playing behavior was different from the

original theory's structure and could be divided into

Cognitive flow and emotional flow. In particular, if a player had a cognitive flow experience to evaluate, analyze, plan, set a goal, and become aware of self-improvement, he/she would be more likely to have a positive outcome. On the contrary, if a player had emotional flow experience causing contentment, intense concentration, and low

consciousness, it could cause psychological and physical


From this study, organizations related to children and adolescents' affairs, science and technology, software in-dustry promotion, education, and public health should encourage children to play a game in a positive way.

This study could be applied in other contexts for social benefit, such as flow experience in work, flow experience in playing sport, or flow experience in playing music.

References Dan Cook 2008. Building A Princess Saving App. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 November 2020].

Sanjamsai S, Phukao P. 2018 Flow experience in computer game playing among Thai university students. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 November 2020].

Friday, November 6, 2020

Game Design Document

 For my game design document, I made it easy to follow, the story, gameplay and controls etc are pretty straight forward:

The  game will be a horror game with eerie music along with trying to escape the maze while getting chased by the assassin.

I have different designs like having a timer, a map (like the image below ) and coins for the players to collect. 

(PPT in email) 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Unity Tutorial 05

In this weeks unity tutorial we had sections 3 - 3.3 

In section 3.1 "Jump Force" we learned how to use a lot of different components , by using the foces we force the player to jump upwards and over obstacle. We also learned about the new logical operators and how to use them and use the colliders in new ways for tech collision.

In section 3.2 "Make the world whiz by" we used a repeat background script so the background will reset itself once its at the end to make it look like its endlessly scrolling. We learned about the if statements, the equality operators and how to use tags in our scripts 

In section 3.3 "Dont just stand there" We were able to use the character animation to make them run, jump and when the player crashes into an object, they fall.

this is then my image following the unity tutorials

Monday, November 2, 2020


 What is the GDD for?

A Game Design Document (GDD) is a blueprint for the design and development of a game.

The GDD is a way of being creative and documenting the approach to the development of the game. Gonzale (2016) states that “ the important thing is to have something that describes your game project (or any other project for that matter) before jumping into production.( Gamasutra ) It should help to plan out your game. Though it is recommended that the GDD should be short it needs to be detailed enough so as game developers and artists can coordinate the development of the game independently whilst still keeping to the design. The GDD is a blueprint for how the game is going to be designed and built, similar to a mind map. In conclusion, the game design document is vital to making a game and it is important to have in order to describe your game project.

How do we make one?

There are a variety of tools that could be used to create a GDD. These include word processing tools, visual tools like Powerpoint, or new web-based tools such as DunDoc. Each of these tools has their advantages and are a personal choice. Many of the examples shared via the internet are in Microsoft Word format. Romero Games(creators of Doom) favour a more visual tool such as PowerPoint. Whichever tool is used they should support the development of the game in an open and transparent manner.

What should be in it?

The GDD should be simple enough to read through details about your game design and concept. Schubert (2007), who was at the time lead designer for Bioware Austin, gave a GDC talk in about how to create design documentation, some of the most relevant elements include:

  1. Know your target.- Have a clear vision and understanding of what you want to make. Make sure your game is suitable and fits your target audience.

  2. Keep it short.  Keep it to the point and clear, the shorter they are, the easier it is to read, write, and maintain.

  3. Prioritize the design.  - Divide your game in order of importance e.g have a functional game. Concentrate on core mechanics and visuals, and then expand. 

  4. Illustrate. - Draw sketches of your plans that make it easier to structure and implement. Present what your game would look like as it’s important to have a clear idea of the visuals before you begin creating.

  5. Use user stories.- Describing the game through the player’s vision (Similar to what we did in the game vision statement).

Take into account the games users, their ideas may help develop future storylines or ideas.

  1. Invest in a good format. Take the time to structure your work so that it is easy to navigate.

  2. Use clear terminology. Don’t over-complicate the document. Make sure language is concise and accessible.

  3. Kill redundancy.  -Recycle your code - use variables, not hard code). Always reference the new section on your page to have a clean document. Avoid copy and pasting sections.

  4. Capture your reasoning - why did you make the choices you made? What led to that thought process?


Nachen, Lennart. 2014 Communication and Game Design Documents accessed 02/11/2020


s, Shaun (2020) Readings Week 06 accessed 02/11/2020 

 Gonzalez Leandro. 2016 How to Write a Game Design Document accessed 02/11/2020

What is the GDD for?

A Game Design Document (GDD) is a blueprint for the design and development of a game.

A game design document is a way of being creative and documenting the approach to the development of the game

Gonzale (2016) states that “ the important thing is to have something that describes your game project (or any other project for that matter) before jumping into production. Gamasutra 

It should help to plan out your game. Though it is recommended that the GDD should be short it needs to be detailed enough so as game developers and artists can coordinate the development of the game independently whilst still keeping to the design.

The GDD is a blueprint for how the game is going to be designed and built, similar to a mind map.

In conclusion, the game design document is vital to making a game and it is important to have in order to describe your game project.

How do we make one?

There are a variety of tools that could be used to create a GDD. These include word processing tools, visual tools like Powerpoint, or new web-based tools such as DunDoc. Each of these tools has their advantages and are a personal choice. Many of the examples shared via the internet are in Microsoft Word format. Romero Games(creators of Doom) favour a more visual tool such as PowerPoint. Whichever tool that is used they should support the development of the game in an open and transparent manner.

What should be in it?

The GDD should be simple enough to read though detailed about your game design and concept. Schubert (2007), who was at the time lead designer for Bioware Austin, gave a GDC talk in 2007 about how to create design documentation, some of the most relevant elements include:

  1. Know your target.- Have a clear vision and understanding of what you want to make. Make sure your game is suitable and fits your target audience.

  2. Keep it short.  Keep it to the point and clear, the shorter they are, the easier it is to read, write, and maintain.

  3. Prioritize the design.  - Divide your game in order of importance e.g have a functional game. Concentrate on core mechanics and visuals, and then expand 

  4. Illustrate. - Draw sketches of your plans that make it easier to structure and implement. Present what your game would look like? 

It’s important to have a clear idea of the visuals before you begin creating.

  1. Use user stories.- Describing the game through the player’s vision (Similar to what we did in the game vision statement).

Take into account the games users, their ideas may help develop future storylines or ideas.

  1. Invest in a good format. Take the time to structure your work so that it is easy to navigate.

  2. Use clear terminology. Don’t over-complicate the document. Make sure language is concise and accessible.

Reading 12 - Doing

So, we finally launched our book! To be quite honest, i'm so glad its over I felt like I was back in secondary school again doing all ...